


Meat'n'Metal Teamturnier 07.04.13

Begonnen von Ehle, Februar 11, 2013, 08:48:11 NACHMITTAGS

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

0 Mitglieder und 1 Gast betrachten dieses Thema.


Naja die doppel-Koloss-Merc Liste war ja dann schon sehr erfolgreich und ich glaube am Ende unbesiegt.



Die Frage könnte Murphy wohl beantworten, weil er dagegen spielen musste.


Nein mußte er nicht. Wie genau die Liste aussah weiß ich nicht.

Es war halt eine Söldner Liste mit zwei Galleons und die hatten wohl irgendwas über Panzerung 21 durch Buffs und ich hatte mit bekommen das er bis nach dem zweiten Spiel zumindest noch keinen einzigen Killpoint an seine beiden Gegner abgegeben hatte. Hatte bis zu dem Punkt wohl nur ein Modell verloren bei zwei Spielen.


Das ist krass. Ich dachte, dass Murphy im zweiten Spiel gegen die Liste gespielt hat, aber dann habe ich dass falsch mitbekommen.


Weiß jemand welcher Caster von ihm gespielt wurde?

Ich stehe bereit, Tag und Nacht zu marschieren,
auf Steinen zu schlafen und hungrig zu kämpfen,
aber ich bin keiner Krone untertan und folge keinem Weg
als meinen eigenen


Hey Lars,
das wäre die Liste:
Points: 50/50
Captain Bartolo Montador (*5pts)
* Galleon (18pts)
* Galleon (18pts)
Master Gunner Dougal MacNaile (2pts)
Ogrun Bokur (3pts) (Der Client ist Wrong Eye.)
Thor Steinhammer (2pts)
Wrong Eye & Snapjaw (9pts)
* Bull Snapper (3pts)

Sind Krokos auch Söldner? Wegen dem Animus vom Snapper:
Animus - Spiny Growth
Target friendly Faction model gains + ARM. If a warjack or warbeast hits the affected model with a melee attack, the attacking model suffers d3 damage points immediately after the attack has been resolved unless the affected model was destroyed or removed from play by the attack. Spiny Growth last for one round.

Der Caster...

sehr gemeine Kombi:
Batten Down the Hatches - This spell confers a bonus to ARM and immunity to knockdown, but at a cost of DEF. It affects the entire battlegroup so the warcaster/warlock and all warbeasts/warjacks they control. This spell is not upkeepable. This spell is fantastic on high ARM warjacks with lots of damage boxes like the Galleon.
Broadside - When this spell is cast, models in the caster's battlegroup (which includes the caster) may make one normal ranged attack if they are within his control area. These attacks do not count against a weapon's ROF. This spell may be cast only once per turn. This is very powerful if you've got access to high RAT warjacks/warbeasts. Warbeasts/Warjacks cannot spend focus or fury to boost the broadside shots, since the shots happen out of activation. The Warcaster himself can boost the shot since it is his activation. You generally have to choose between Broadside and Batten Down the Hatches because of Bart's lowish focus stat.
Deadweight - This an offensive spell with an average POW. When this spell destroys a living or undead model, choose a model within 2" of the destroyed model. The chosen model must forfeit either it's movement or action during it's next activation, at the discretion of it's controller. This is a great way to get a debilitating effect on a high DEF model that is standing next to a lower-DEF model. Also, keep in mind that the effect can't be shaken off by warjacks or warbeasts.
Hot Shot - Target model in the caster's battlegroup gains boosted ranged damage rolls. This spell is upkeepable. Casting this early and then upkeeping it for a few turns is a very efficient way to spend your focus points, especially on models that have a high ROF. This spell is made for the Galleon, it fires 2D3 shots with AOEs and hot shot boosts the damage both on the directly hit models and the models hit by blast damage. It also boosts damage on the harpoon gun which needs to damage a model in order to drag it.
Powder Keg - Powder Keg is an offensive spell that carries an AoE and a crit effect. It's POW is high. On a critical hit, models hit lose their initial attacks and cannot make special attacks for one round. This can be devastating, but critical hits are unreliable at best, so be sure to boost the attack roll to maximize your chances. Bart very rarely casts it as it uses up so much of his focus.


Und hier dann die Platzierung der einzelnen Spieler:

Player Name Faction Score (SoS)(CP)(PC Destroyed)
Champ Cryx 3 (4)(5)(114)
Geliron Protectorate of Menoth 3 (3)(15)(129)
DLM Cygnar 3 (3)(10)(116)
DoktorTelefon Mercenaries 3 (3)(2)(102)
Dorian Mercenaries 3 (1)(2)(83)
Luchs Skorne 2 (6)(9)(79)
Eladan Khador 2 (5)(3)(75)
Robbe Khador 2 (5)(1)(57)
ChrisMD Cygnar 2 (4)(2)(72)
schlumpf Circle Orboros 2 (3)(9)(26)
Lützi Cryx 2 (3)(7)(87)
Ehle Cryx 2 (1)(10)(71)
Azazel Protectorate of Menoth 1 (6)(1)(36)
Saufzwerg Cygnar 1 (6)(1)(32)
Torsul Khador 1 (5)( 8 )(123)
Flo Trollbloods 1 (5)(5)( 83)
Krypton Cygnar 1 (5)(0)(63)
The_Git Retribution of Scyrah 1 (4)(4)(68 )
Minigrot Legion of Everblight 1 (3)( 0)( 85)
Ryu Legion of Everblight 0 (9)( 0)(25)
Murphy Protectorate of Menoth 0 ( 8 )(1)(40)
Mine Circle Orboros 0 (7)(2)(38)
Snow-Wolf Legion of Everblight 0 (5)( 0)(54)
caleum Cryx 0 (4)( 0)(42)